Page:Lord Clive.djvu/16

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XIV. The Political and Foreign Policy of Lord Clive: His Army-Administration and its consequences 171-191

XV. The Return of the Conqueror-Statesman, and the Reception accorded to him by his Countrymen: his Struggles; and his Death 192-212

Index 213-229


The orthography of proper names follows the system adopted by the Indian Government for the Imperial Gazetteer of India, That system, while adhering to the popular spelling of very well-known places, such as Punjab, Poona, Deccan, &c., employs in all other cases the vowels with the following uniform sounds: —

a, as in woman: á, as in father: i, as in kin: í, as in intrigue: o, as in cold: u, as in bull: ú, as in rural.