Page:Lost Galleon (1867).djvu/35

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Tale of a Pony.

Bless us! what is the row about?
Ah! here comes Rosey's new turn-out!

Smart! You bet your life, 'twas that!
Nifty! (short for magnificat)
Mulberry panels—heraldic spread—
Ebony wheels picked out with red,
And two gray mares that were thoroughbred;
No wonder that every dandy's head
Was turned by the turn-out—and 'twas said
That Caskowhisky, (friend of the Czar)
A very good whip, (as Russians are)
Was tied to Rosey's triumphal car,
Entranced, the reader will understand,
By "ribbons" that graced her head and hand.

Alas! the hour you think would crown
Your highest wishes, should let you down!
Or Fate should turn, by your own mischance,
Your victor's car to an ambulance;
From cloudless heavens her lightnings glance,
(And these things happen, even in France;)

And so Miss Rose, as she trotted by—