Page:Lost Galleon (1867).djvu/40

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The Miracle of Padre Junipero.

Strange to his ways and his commands,
Seek at his unforgiving hands?"

"Drink but this cup," said the Padre, straight,
"And thou shalt know whose mercy bore
These aching limbs to your heathen door,
And purged my soul of its gross estate.
Drink in His name, and thou shalt see
The hidden depths of this mystery.
Drink!" and he held the cup. One blow
From the heathen dashed to the ground below
The sacred cup that the Padre bore;
And the thirsty soil drank the precious store
Of sacramental and holy wine,
That emblem and consecrated sign
And blessed symbol of blood divine.

Then, says the legend—(and they who doubt
The same as heretics be accurst)—
From the dry and feverish soil leaped out
A living fountain; a well-spring burst
Over the dusty and broad champaign,

Over the sandy and sterile plain,