Page:Lost Galleon (1867).djvu/96

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The Lost Tails of Miletus.

High o'er the Thracian hills rose the voice of the shepherdess, wailing.

"Ai! for the fleecy flocks—the meek-nosed, the passionless faces;
Ai! for the tallow-scented, the straight-tailed, the high-stepping ;
Ai! for the timid glance, which is that which the rustic, sagacious,
Applies to him who loves but may not declare his passion!"

Her then Zeus answered slow: "O! daughter of song and sorrow—
Hapless tender of sheep—arise from thy long lamentation.
Since thou canst not trust fate, nor behave as becomes a Greek maiden,
Look and behold thy sheep."—And lo! they returned to her tailless!