Page:Louise de la Valliere text.djvu/440

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430 LOUISE BE LA VALLIEEE. toward his father's lodgings. On his way there he en- countered Grimaud, who, having set off from the opposite pole, was running with equal eagerness in search of the truth. The two men embraced each other most warmly. "Grimaud," exclaimed Kaoul, "is the comte well? "Have you seen him?" "No, where is he?" "I am trying to find out." "And Monsieur d'Artagnan?" "Went out with him." "When?" "Ten minutes after you had left." "In what way did they go out?" "In a carriage." "Where did they go to?" "I have no idea at all." "Did my father take any money with him?" "No." "Or his sword?" "No." "I have an idea, Grimaud, that Monsieur d'Artagnan came in order to " "Arrest Monsieur le Comte, do you not think, monsieur?" "Yes, Grimaud." "I could have sworn it." "What road did they take?" "The way leading toward the quay.** "To the Bastile, then?" "Yes, yes." "Quick, quick; let us run." "Yes; let us not lose a moment." "But where are we to go to?" said Raoul, overwhelmed. "We will go to Monsieur d'Artagnan first; we may per- haps learn something there." "No; if they keep me in ignorance at my father's, they will do the same everywhere. Let us go to — Oh, good heavens! why, I must be mad to-day, Grimaud; I have for- gotten Monsieur du Vallon, who is waiting for and expect- ing me still." "Where is he, then?** "At the Minimes of Vincennes.** "Thank goodness, that is on the same side as the Bastile. I will run and saddle the horses, and we will go at once,*' said Grimaud. "Do, my friend, do.**