Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/190

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them to a newspaper and begins to sue—at once—to-morrow."

"I suppose," said Minot, "she is the usual Gaiety girl."

"Not the usual, old chap. Quite a remarkable woman. She'll do what she promises—trust her. And I haven't a farthing. Minot—it's all up now. There's no way out of this."

Minot sat thinking. The telephone rang.

"I won't talk to her," cried Harrowby in a panic. "I won't have anything to do with her. Minot, old chap—as a favor to me—"

"The old family solicitor," smiled Minot. "That's me."

He took down the receiver. But no voice that had charmed thousands at the Gaiety answered his. Instead there came over the wire, heated, raging, the tones of Mr. Henry Trimmer.

"Hello—I want Allan Harrowby—ah, that's Minot talking, isn't it? Yes. Good. I want a word with you. Do you know what I think of your methods? Well, you won't now—telephone rules in the way. Think you're going to