Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/227

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"Damn!" thought Minot. And then he thought two more.

"To put yourself out that our wedding may be a success!" Was this sarcasm, Minot wondered. "I'm so glad to know about it, Mr. Minot It shows me at last—just what you think is"—she looked away—"best for me."

"Best for you? What do you mean?"

"Can't you understand? From some things you've said I have thought—perhaps—you didn't just approve of my—marriage. And now I see I misconstrued you—utterly. You want me to marry Harrowby. You're working for it. I shouldn't be surprised if you were on that train last Monday just to make sure that—I'd—get here—safely."

Really, it was inhuman. Did she realize how inhuman it was? One glance at Minot might have told her. But she was still looking away.

"So I want to thank you, Mr. Minot," she went on. "I shall always remember your—kindness. I couldn't understand at first, but now—I wonder? You know, it's an old theory that as