Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/241

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print on the morrow unless he is paid not to to-night. You and I are on our way to take 'em away from him."

"Um—but if I help you in this I'll be doing you a mean trick. Can't quite make out, old boy, whether to stand by you in a business or a personal way."

"You're going to stand by me in a business way. I want you along to-night to lend your moral support while I throttle that little blackmailer."

"Ay, ay, sir. I've been hearing some things about Gonzale myself. Go to it!"

They groped about in a dark hallway hunting the Mail office.

"Shady are the ways of journalism," commented Paddock. "By the way, I've just thought of one for Mrs. Bruce to spring to-morrow. In case we fall and the affinity letters are published, she might say that Harrowby's epistles got into the Mail once too often. It's only a rough idea—ah—I see you don't like it. Well, here's success to our expedition."

They opened the door of the Mail office. Mr.