Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/249

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came slowly toward his employer, like a cat stalking a bird. "Did you get my emphasis on the word yet?"

Gonzale paled beneath his lemon skin, and got behind a desk.

"Now, boys," he pleaded, "I didn't mean anything. I'll be frank with you—I have been a little indiscreet here. But that's all over now. It would be dangerous to try any more—er—deals at present. And I want you to stay on here until I can get new men in your places."

"Save your breath," said O'Neill through his teeth.

"Your work has been excellent—excellent," went on Gonzale hastily. "I feel I am not paying you enough. Stay on with me until your week is up. I will give you a hundred each when you go—and I give you my word I'll attempt nothing dangerous while you are here."

He retreated farther from O'Neill.

"Wait a minute. Bob," said Howe. "No blackmailing stunts while we stay?"

"Well—I shouldn't call them that—"

"No blackmailing stunts?"