Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/251

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am going out for a moment." The door closed noiselessly behind him.

Howe and O'Neill stood looking at each other.

"Well—you had your way," said O'Neill, shamefacedly. "I don't seem to be the man I was. It must be the sunshine and the posies. And the thought of the road again."

"A hundred each," said Howe grimly. "We had to have it. Bob. It means New York."

"Yes." O'Neill pondered. "But—that good-looking young fellow, Harry—the one who apologized to us for calling us blackmailers—"


"I'd hate to meet him on the street to-morrow. Five days. A lot could happen in five days—"

"What are your orders, Chief?" asked Howe.

At that moment Minot, followed by Paddock was rushing triumphantly into the Harrowby suite. He threw down on the table a package of letters.

"There they are!" he cried. "I—"

He stopped.

"Thanks," said Lord Harrowby wildly.