Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/258

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"I've been in America twenty odd years," the proposition went on. "Seen all sorts of injustice and wrong—but I've lived to experience the climax myself."

Still silence from his captors, while the black waters swished about the launch.

"I take it you chaps believe me to be an impostor, just as Allan does. Well, I'm not. And I'm going to give you my little talk on the old days at Rakedale Hall. When I've finished—"

"No, you're not," said Minot. "I've heard all that once."

"And you weren't convinced? Why, everybody in San Marco is convinced. The mayor, the chief of police, the—"

"My dear George," said Minot with feeling. "It doesn't make the slightest difference who you are. You and Trimmer stay separated until after next Tuesday."

"Yes. And rank injustice it is, too. We'll have the law on you for this. We'll send you all to prison."

"Pleasant thought," commented Paddock. "Mrs. Bruce would have to develop lockjaw at