Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/276

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necklace back to you and gracefully withdraw. But of course I'm here to look after Jephson's interests—"

"Naturally," put in Harrowby quickly. "And let me tell you that should this necklace be found before the wedding, Jephson is practically certain to pay that policy. I think you'd better keep it. They're not likely to search you again. If I took it—dear old chap—they search me every little while."

"You didn't steal this, did you?" Minot asked.

"Of course not." Harrowby flushed a delicate pink. "It belongs in our family—has for years. Everybody knows that."

"Well, what is the trouble?"

"I'll explain it all later. There's really nothing dishonorable—as men of the world look at such things. I give you my word that you can serve Mr. Jephson best by keeping the necklace for the present—and seeing to it that it does not fall into the hands of the men who are looking for it."

Minot sat staring gloomily ahead of him. Then he reached out, took up the necklace, and restored it to his pocket.