Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/299

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—you know what. Besides, I heard of such a clever scheme for slipping it in—"

"Never mind that! Mr. Huntley, this gentleman was to have been married on Tuesday. Can't you hold off until then?"

"Nothing doing," said Mr. Huntley firmly. "I got to get back to New York. He'll have to postpone his wedding. Ought to have thought of these things before he pulled off his little stunt."

"It's no use, Minot," said Harrowby hopelessly. "I've gone all over it with this chap. He won't listen to reason. What the deuce am I to do?"

A knock sounded on the door and Spencer Meyrick, red-faced, flirting with apoplexy, strode into the room.

"Lord Harrowby," he announced, "I desire to see you alone."

"Er—step into the bedroom," Harrowby suggested.

Mr. Huntley rose promptly to his feet.

"Nix," he said. "There's a door out of that