Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/306

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"Well, I've got a little reputation in that line. But say—"

"Then I suggest," said Minot impressively, "that you examine Chain Lightning's Collar closely."

"Thanks for the suggestion," sneered Mr. Huntley. "I'll follow it—when I get time. Just now I've got to—"

"You'd better follow it now—before you catch a train. Otherwise you may be so unfortunate as to make a fool of yourself."

Mr. Huntley stood, hesitating. There was something in Minot's tone that rang true. The detective again looked at his watch. Then, with one of his celebrated grunts, he pulled out the necklace, and stood staring at it with a new expression.

He grunted again, and stepped to a near-by writing-desk, above which hung a powerful electric light. The others followed. Mr. Huntley laid the necklace on the desk, and took out a small microscope which was attached to one end of his watch-chain. With rapt gaze he stared at the largest of the diamonds. He went the length