Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/319

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"Who is it you're talking to?"

"To him," explained George, nodding toward Lord Harrowby. "To my brother Allan. Don't you know me, Allan? Don't you know—"

He stopped. An expression of surprise and relief swept over his worried face. He turned triumphantly to Trimmer.

"I don't have to prove who I am to him," he announced.

"Why don't you?" demanded Trimmer in alarm.

"Because he can't, I fancy," put in Lord Harrowby.

"No," said George slowly, "because I never saw him before in all my life."

"Ah—you admit it," cried Allan Harrowby with relief.

"Of course I do," replied George. "I never saw you before in my life."

"And you've never been at Rakedale Hall, have you?" Lord Harrowby demanded.

"Here—wait a minute—" shouted Trimmer, in a panic.

"Oh, yes—I've been at Rakedale Hall," said