Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/323

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cision, "I'm going to call the wedding off again. Some of your actions haven't made much of a hit with me. I'm going to call it off until you come to me and prove that you're Allan Harrowby—a lord in good and regular standing, with all dues paid."

"But—confound it, sir—a gentleman's word—"

"Mr. Meyrick," put in Minot, "may I be allowed to say that I consider your action hasty—"

"And may I be allowed to ask what affair this is of yours?" demanded Mr. Meyrick hotly.

"Father!" cried Miss Meyrick. "Please do not be harsh with Mr. Minot. His heart is absolutely set on my marriage with Lord Harrowby. Naturally he feels very badly over all this."

Minot winced.

"Come, Cynthia," said Meyrick, moving toward the door. "I've had enough of this play-acting. Remember, sir—the wedding is off—absolutely off—until you are able to establish your identity beyond question."

And he and his daughter went out. Minot sat