Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/333

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He stood amid the colorful blooms of the hotel courtyard and looked up at her window, with its white curtain waving gently in the breeze. He called, softly. And then he saw her face, peering out as some senorita of the old days from her lattice—

"I've news—very important news" he said. "May I see you a moment?"

Far better this than the telephone or the bell-boy. Far more in keeping with the magic of the night.

She came, dressed in the white that set off so well her hair of gleaming copper. Minot met her on the veranda. She smiled into his eyes inquiringly.

"Do you mind—a little walk?" he asked.

"Where to?"

"Say to the fort—the longest way."

She glanced back toward the hotel.

"I'm not sure that I ought—"

"But that will only make it the more exciting. Please. And I've news—real news."

She nodded her head, and they crossed the