Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/342

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"Well, there's a chap here," Minot explained, "who claims to be the elder brother of Allan Harrowby. His cause is in the hands of an advertising expert named Trimmer."

"Yes. I saw a story in a Washington paper."

"This morning George Harrowby, so-called, confronted Allan Harrowby and denounced Allan himself as a fraud."

The man from Chicago threw back his head, and a roar of unexpected laughter smote on Minot's hearing.

"Good joke," said the stranger.

"No joke at all. George was right—at least, so it seems. Allan Harrowby cleared out this evening."

"Yes. So I was told by the clerk in there. Do you happen to know—er—Allan?"

"Yes. Very well indeed."

"But you don't know the reason he left?"

"Why," answered Minot, "I suppose because George Harrowby gave him twenty-four hours to get out of town."

Again the Chicago man laughed.