Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/370

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"Not at all!" George Harrowby looked up. The interest is forfeited to pay wear and tear on this yacht."

For a moment Wall showed fight, but he did not much care for the light he saw in the elder Harrowby's eyes. He recognized a vast difference in brothers.

"Oh—very well," he said. The check was written, and the exchange made.

"Since you are convinced I am the owner of the yacht," said George Harrowby, rising, "I take it you will leave it at once?"

"As soon as I can remove my belongings," Wall said. "A most unfortunate affair all round."

"A fortunate one for you," commented Mr. Minot.

Wall glared.

"My boy," he said angrily, "did any one ever tell you you were a bad-luck jinx?"

"Never," smiled Minot.

"You look like one to me," growled Martin Wall.

George Harrowby arranged to keep the crew