Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/107

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"Fawncy that!" I drawled back. Then I looked him up and down with a cold smile and added, "You hate yourself, don't you?"

Thurston frowns, and honestly his eyes become slits.

"Why are you so antagonistic to me?" he asks, like he can't understand how anyone can't resist him. "Don't you like me?"

"Do you expect me to leap up and kiss you?" I says evasively.

"Stranger things could happen," he remarks, with what I bet he thought was a killing smile.

"But not to me!" I snapped. "I don't like to slam the door in your face, but really I must ask you to shove off. It's against the rules for us girls to kid with the customers, and if you don't go away you'll get a ticket for violating the parking ordinance here."

"Will you dine with me tonight?" he asks eagerly.

"Mr. Thurston," I says, "I might as well tell you once and for all that I wouldn't go out with you if it was a felony not to. As who's this says, 'You may be all the world to your mother, but you're an awful bust to me!'"

"Is that so?" softly says Thurston, but he's fit to be tied—I can see it. "Is that so? Well, I'll make you a little wager that I'll take you out within a month!"

"Blaah!" I says politely. "You sound like a scenario, Step into number four booth, please!"