Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/135

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Don't you love that?

"What does that apple sauce mean at the bottom of the card?" I ask him. "I can't read Persian."

"Oh—'Dieu et mon droit'?" says Fighting Paddy airily. "That's Frog for 'God and my right!' the motto of King Richard the First. I found that part of it out in the Fifth Avenoo lib'ry, where I hang out when I ain't boxin'. I get lots of laughs out of that hokum like 'Hamlet,' 'Three Weeks,' 'The International Cyclopedia' and the like. At the same time I'm educatin' myself, what I mean!"

"Fair enough," I says. "But what has all that got to do with your putting a king's motto on your business card?"

"Well," explains Fighting Paddy seriously. "King Dick's slogan seems to of been made to order for me! I also bank everything on God and my right—my right hook to the button! I don't know what kind of a puncher his highness was with his right, but when I sock 'em they stay socked, don't think they don't. That's a swell dress you got on, Blondie."

"Knowing how to wear your clothes runs in our family," I says. "My uncle on my mother's side was for years the best dressed fellow in the Larimer County almshouse."