Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/212

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Hazel and Silent Sam were required to get Michael to start for the abattoir. The seats he's presented to me and Hazel were right up against the ropes and directly in his corner and we nervously smiled our moral support to a little fellow who certainly needed it if ever anyone did.

Michael used the privilege of a champion to cause a long delay which put the impatient attendance on edge, but he absolutely refused to enter the ring before Half-Round O'Cohen did—not if the customers cried their eyes out!

"The first man in the ring is always the last man to leave it!" says Mike stubbornly.

The wild-eyed promoter rushed to the boxing commission seated at the ringside and talked a bit. Under threat of being barred from working at his trade in New York State if he didn't behave, Michael entered the ring. He looked every inch a beaten man as he wearily flopped down on the little stool in his corner.

"Good luck, Mike—we hope you win!" I called up to him excitedly.

"I ain't got a Chinaman's chance!" whispers Michael, pushing away a busy handler and leaning over the ropes to us. "I just counted exactly thirteen sport writers sittin' around the ring!"

O'Cohen's seconds came over to examine the bandages on Michael's hands. One of 'em is humming,