Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/222

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ladies vied with the equally ambitious female guests of the hostelry in trying to catch and hold the eye of this star-making wizard of the screen. His horde of secretaries, servants and stenographers spoke of him in hushed voices as "The Master!"

Oh, Gordon Daft created quite a panic with the neighbors and don't think he didn't!

Nevertheless, all this hullaballoo over Mr. Daft left me quite unmoved, and when it came to giving him worship, well, I wasn't putting anything out!

In spite of all this furore he was no good to me, even though he unquestionably produced a mean movie. In my estimation Gordon Daft was just a good egg, rating no particular favors—a nice young fellow and that's all!

A couple or three days after Mr. Daft had stood the St. Moe on its head by his mere august presence, he came to the switchboard in person one morning and just ruined the peace of mind of the girls. After posing there awhile to give these adoring ones a treat, he turned and gazed squarely into my face. I guess my eyes must have been a bit cynical at that moment because I was thinking scornfully what my charming colleagues would do for a smile from Gordon Daft—and what I wouldn't!

One instant of puzzled frown and then Mr. Daft had me pegged.