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no dumbbell, Gladys, you're that rare animal, a born actress, and——"

"Some other time!" I interrupted, smiling at him. "I have a job, Hazel hasn't. She's crazy to get into the movies—I'm not!"

Mr. Daft leans back in his chair and looks at me with the same curiosity he'd probably view me with if I was a four-headed mouse.

"Gladys," he says finally, "you're what I'd call a phenomenon of the first water! Offered a contract by——"

"By the greatest director in the world!" I put in, still smiling.

"By—eh—by a director of standing," he corrects me, but he's pleased; "I repeat, offered a contract by a director, you refuse it and plug for your less capable girl friend. The fair sex—fair is right!"

"Or square," I says. "I rather like 'the square sex!'"

"Like it!" yells Mr. Daft, suddenly sitting straight up. "I love it! The Square Sex—a pip! That's what we'll call this picture, 'The Square Sex.' It means something, it fits, it will tickle the ladies! Well, I'll sign Miss Killian—that's that! But say, I wish you'd let me do something for you!"

"You can!" I says coolly. "You can write me a check for one thousand dollars for supplying your title."