Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/269

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other attractions, many more opportunities, so I decided to let matters stand as they were; and I was complacently gazing at my uncrowned but rightful heirs to the title of the world's most beautiful legs when Hazel enters.

"Can you imagine that hired girl winning?" asks Hazel indignantly. "Why, that contest was nothing but a frame-up! If my legs aren't prettier than that homely Scandinavian's, I'll eat 'em. Why, Gladys, even yours are as pretty as hers—you should have taken a chance and entered the thing!"

"I wish now I had," I says with an odd smile, "but then legs are so hard to identify, the judges might never have known mine from the others."

"Well, I would," says Hazel. "You have such a bony instep, dear!"

Don't you love that?