Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/273

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"Ha, ha, ha, ha!" cackles Jerry. "Oh, this is one for the book! Hershel tried to sell the old jazzbo the ice water and when Young wouldn't buy it at a quarter a pitcher, Hershel tells him to take a drink from the sink, 'Vot d'ye tink, ve get this ice for nothin'—you should run a hotel!' says Hershel and then he had to take it on the lam!"

At this minute Pete Kift came by to pay his respects.

"I'm just after tellin' Gladys about Hershel," says Jerry. "I understand he's givin' you a shovin' around and makin' you like it."

"I'll make that banana love it before I get through with him!" says Peter, bitterly. "I asked him this mornin' where he ever hopped bells before and he says he never was no good at rememberin' names. Can you tie that? If we wasn't short of boys I'd throw him out in the alley. As it is, I got him ruined—I put him on a elevator, where tips is as plentiful as mufflers in Hades!"

"'At's what you think!" grins Jerry. "But I think he'll cross you! 'At baby's no mug and if you figure he is you're crazy. He'll be chargin' the guests a dime a ride on his elevator as sure as you're born!"

Pete starts to laugh, frowns, looks thoughtful and then dashes off to see for himself.

A few days later I had the pleasure of making Her-