Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/287

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other two hundred on the verge of tears, "How vos everybody in Moscow ven you left 'em?"

Well, my suggestion to Isaac was simply that he and Hershel meet in the ring for the right to wear the much coveted title, "Kid Rose." Ike had told me that he and his brother were both the same weight, except that Hershel was a little heavier above the ears. The winner could continue to say it with uppercuts as Kid Rose, while the loser would have to bear up and be content with the label pasted on him by his fond parents. I pointed out to the skeptical Ike that this scheme had plenty to recommend it, apart from offering a permanent solution to his problem. For instance, with proper publicity, a fight between two brothers each claiming the same ring name would be sure to draw a record crowd, especially as the alias at stake was so well-known. I presented other arguments, equally strong if not stronger, but why take up your time with them? Let it be enough to say that I finally got Ike sold on the idea that my plan was a good thought and he departed to proposition Hershel.

So that you won't perish from curiosity, I'll come right out pointblank and tell you that the boys fought as per my recipe and Ike was returned the winner, with the right to call himself Kid Rose forever and a day. I say they fought, but really that's a rather reckless use of the verb. Before a howling mob that jammed