Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/296

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"Say, leave me alone!" he pants. "How could I bore in vit a human buzz-saw like this feller? You should bore in vit him!"

This innocent answer seemed to get Ike red-headed. Before anybody had the faintest idea of what was in his mind, Ike jumps into the ring and caught Hershel with a terrible uppercut right on the jaw. Hershel went down as cold as a glance from a glass eye!

"That's the vay to bore in!" yells Ike hoarsely; and while the dumfounded crowd is still crazy at this amazing turn of affairs, a punch that One-Feint Heehaw had started for the inert Hershel caught Ike flush on the chin. Isaac flopped almost on top of his brother, a total loss. Mr. Pandemonium immediately took charge, Jerry and Pete hustled Hazel and me out with the aid of some hysterical coppers and that's the last I saw of the two Roses from that day to this!