Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/336

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yelling with joy, because I've got Julius all set. I know just what I'm going to do and just what he's going to do—that's if he wants to keep his little girl friend. So when we go to dinner that night I put all my cards on the table, face up.

"Julius," I says, "after some years of watching you boys perform and in that way getting a good line on the male sex, I made up my mind if I ever fell I'd fall for a great man. Being a shipping clerk's darling or a head bookkeeper's bride never has appealed to me and it don't now! The man I gamble my future with has got to mean something. He's got to either get his name in the electric lights or invent something brighter!"

Julius is looking at me like a drowning man would look at you if you turned a hose on him.

"But I thought we settled all——" he begins.

"Don't interrupt teacher!" I shut him off. "As I was saying before you spoke out of turn, I always craved the affection of a really great man and swore I'd fall for no other. Unfortunately, Julius, you came along and you're far from great, but I fell for you nevertheless. There's no question about that part of it. Therefore I am going to make you famous, whether you want to be famous or not!"

"I'm afraid I don't understand," says Julius—and looks it.