Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/338

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This time he must of read my face correctly.

"Good heavens, you can't be serious!" he exclaims. "Why the thing's unthinkable! I—why——"

"I never was more serious in my life," I shut him off. "I've even laid out the details. Keep quiet a minute and I'll tell you how we'll work it."

"Why—why—Gladys—I—we'll be arrested! We——" Julius is at the stuttering stage, as pale as a couple of ghosts.

"Suppose we do get arrested," I says. "Look what we're shooting at! If my scheme goes through you'll be a star, won't you?"

"But—but——" He's all but speechless.

"Listen," I says, "cut out the buts. I'll be the goat in this little trifling matter and if you don't do your part you're canceled with me as sure as there's a Frenchman in Paris! Of course, if you're afraid you'll fall down if you do get the chance to play the lead, why——"

"Fall down?" he butts in, banging the table with his fist. "Why, it will put me over!"

"Then let's go!" I says, banging the table myself. "It's all fun!"

When we part Julius weighs about ten pounds less than he did when we come in the restaurant, but he's agreed to my little kidnapping scheme. About all he touched of the dinner was the check.