Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/342

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Betelgeuse," but Hemingway Bryce, his roommate and star in another play!

Heavens above, I have kidnapped the wrong leading man, ruined a perfectly good show and in no way helped my Julius to fame and fortune!

All this comes to me like a blow between the eyes with a mallet and I sink back against the switchboard just about ready for the undertaker. Hemingway Bryce comes rushing up to murder somebody for not answering his wild calls and one look at me seems to be enough for him.

"By the eternal!" he roars. "I see it all now! You asked me what I would do to give an understudy a chance to play the star's part. Oh, fool that I was! The irony of it. I told you I'd kidnap the leading man, little thinking I was that leading man myself! So you and my understudy did this damnable thing, did you? Well——"

"Mr. Bryce—please!" I butt in faintly. "Please listen. You must listen! It has all been a terrible mistake. I—we—I didn't mean to kidnap you at all. It was——"

"Not a word!" howls this dumbbell, prancing around, "I'll have you arrested! I'll sue this hotel for a million dollars damages and I'll collect, too! My reputation is gone forever. Boy, call an officer!"

At this critical minute the revolving doors revolve