Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/39

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Well, up till noon my unfortunate knight had not put in an appearance and I'm commencing to breathe normally again. As I'm going out to lunch I'm thinking is it possible that poor Hurricane is still slumbering on the floor of that ring from that horrible blow Ignorant Eddie Biff presented him with?

At that moment my heart stops beating for one terrible second. I have bumped square into Hurricane Sherlock in the lobby of the hotel!

Honestly, I'm almost hysterical with pure fright and I gazed wildly around for assistance. I'm really afraid Hurricane may do me bodily harm! But to my dumbfounded astonishment, he's smiling and looks happier than happy itself. I feel I must say something or I'll scream, so I begin to stammer condolences. Still smiling happily, Hurricane cuts me off.

"That kayo was the best thing could of happened to me, kid," he says cheerily. "I would of got it sooner or later anyways—they all do. I don't care nothin' no more about what them yokels from East Silo thinks about me, either. What does them sapolios know? Say—up in that slab they think alligator pears will bite you!"

"I—I'm afraid I'll have to hurry on," I says, crazy to get away. "I'm going to lunch and I must be back in——"

"That punch last night knocked me out of the ring