Page:Love and Learn (1924).pdf/50

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right across the street. Listen, has 'at guy Westover been annoyin' you?"

"No," I says. "You do all that! What right have you got to question me about my friends? Run along and play, when I wish your services I'll whistle. Go on, shoo—you're on a busy wire!"

"Somebody must of put in a rap for me," says Jerry mournfully. "Seems to me you're always busy when I give you a bell, but 'at Westover mug can buzz you all day long and make you like it! He's been tryin' to promote you now since——"

"That's out!" I shut him off. "Don't get out of line, Jerry, or I won't let you talk to me at all. Besides, I don't believe Mr. Westover is even interested in women—he's too busy writing plays."

"Blah!" snorts Jerry scornfully. "Show me a guy which can't get no kick out of you and I'll show you a place in the East River where it's nothing but consommé! If 'at scissor-billed boloney ever tries to make a date with you I'll lay him like a carpet. I'm goin' to bear down on him anyways. He gets checked out of this trap tonight, or else——"

"Or else he don't!" I finish for him. "Look here, Jerry, I don't need a guardian and if you ever start a disturbance around here on my account I'll make you so sorry you'll sob yourself sick! Understand?"

"Don't get red-headed," says Jerry soothingly. "I