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love and its hidden history.

magnetic, ethereal love-element can be projected upon, and made to operate on, any living being, as well as upon ourselves. Direct the attention toward the cause of anxiety, — a person (or self) sick in mind, morals or body, — and strongly desire, wish, will, the love-cure to be effective; in a few trials success will follow, to the entire assuagement of the difficulty. It is the mother's power over her child, exerted on a wider scale.

IV. Magnetic Love-power is of little use unless exercised. It and the Will, when properly cultured, is one of the most powerful instrumentalities for good, on earth. But wives and husbands neglect it and suffer. They find their partners growing cool, and instead of checking it they fly off, create a fuss, grow sullen, and make matters a great deal worse, when a timely resort to the great magnetic law would speedily correct all the trouble, which, in married life, often originates in passional excess, and consequent satiety and disgust, — an unpalatable truth, but true, nevertheless. And here let me further say, that obedience to the laws of soap and water, sunshine and health, will ever and always prevent that same satiety and disgust, with all the subtended horrors thence arising. If a wife finds her husband growing cool, let her attend to her dress, manner; smiles instead of frowns; sugar, not salt; honey, not vinegar ; and place her will steadily, strongly, persistently, upon him, at the same time sending forth her woman's love, sympathy, and magnetic force of magnetic love. The man don't live who can resist it! His love will return just as surely as that heaven exists. But she cannot work this magic charm in anger, jealousy, or indifference. Let her remember this, for it is the grand Oriental secret of fascination, was learned from the birds, and has worked miracles in human life. The same principles obtain among unwedded lovers!

V. Love- Starvation! Think of it! A soul dying by inches for human sympathy, human love! It is dreadful, and yet thousands there are who suffer it all the while, and needlessly, for the certain cause of love-starvation is either utter selfishness on the part of the starved, repellant angularities, or lack of opportunity. True, it sometimes results from solitary vice, and in that case can only be remedied by a total abandonment of the habit, and rebuilding the health by due attention to diet, exercise, and fresh air, aided perhaps, with a little medicine, or some equally