Page:Low Mass Ceremonial (Burnett).djvu/26

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the pendant parts of the stole, he passes the said ends over the stole, one to the right and the other to the left and tucks them under the girdle one on each side of his body. Lastly the priest puts on the Chasuble.

From the Commencement of the Mass up to the Offertory

Being duly vested, the priest holding the chalice, by the knop, with his left hand, as high as and a little in front of his breast, his right hand upon the burse, proceeds to the altar. After making the due act of reverence at the foot of the altar-steps he goes up to the foot-pace and standing in the midst puts down the chalice, a little to his left, upon the altar. Then he takes up the burse, carefully takes out the corporal, places the burse upright against the gradine to the left of the midst, unfolds and spreads the corporal upon the midst of the altar so that its front edge will be near and parallel with (but never overhanging) the front edge of the altar-mensa, and then puts the veiled chalice upon the corporal in the midst thereof. Then he goes to the book on the Epistle-side, opens it at the beginning of the mass-rite, returns to the midst, bows slightly towards the cross, goes down the steps, faces the altar, bows profoundly, stands erect, signs himself with the sign of the cross, and says the preparatory prayers. The prayers ended, the priest goes up to the foot-pace, joins his hands upon the altar, kisses it and then goes to the book, where facing the altar he signs himself with the sign of the cross and begins the mass. After the prayer "Almighty God, unto whom" etc., if the commandments are to be recited, the priest goes to the midst, bows slightly towards the cross, turns by his right, faces the people, and rehearses the Commandments; otherwise, still standing by the book and facing the altar, he says the "Summary of the Law" and then goes to the midst faces the altar and says the Kyries. This done, the priest returns to the book and says the Collect, after which, still facing the altar, he announces and reads the Epistle. The Epistle ended, if he have no server, the priest takes up, with both hands, the desk and book thereon, and carries them to the Gospel corner of the altar, making the due act of reverence as he passes the midst, and puts the desk down upon the