Page:Low Mass Ceremonial (Burnett).djvu/53

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the cere-cloth, to hooks on the gradine) and if possible an altar-cloth which shall cover all the front of the altar below the super-frontal, made of some rich material, and agreeing or harmonizing with the colour of the day.

Of the Tabernacle

The interior of the tabernacle should be lined on all sides with white silk, and a clean corporal spread upon the bottom. Nothing should be put within the tabernacle except the sacred vessel (or vessels) containing the Blessed Sacrament. No ornament should be placed upon the tabernacle other than the altar-cross. The tabernacle, when in use, should never be left unlocked, and the key should be in the custody of the priest. The material out of which the tabernacle, or the interior thereof, is constructed should be wood, preferably of cedar. The door, be it single or two-leaved, should have on it some sacred emblem, as e. g., a chalice and host. The tabernacle should be placed at the back in the midst, above the altar mensa.

Of the Credence

The "credence," if possible, should be a table, rather than a shelf affixed to the wall; and, in any case, it should quite large enough to allow the placing conveniently thereon of all the things that properly should be put there. For this reason the credence should have a superficial space of about two feet and half a foot square, i. e., 360 square inches. Upon the credence, for a low mass, should be placed, the box of breads; a cruet containing wine, and a cruet containing pure, clean, natural water; a large basin in which to receive the offerings of the people; and a small basin, and the towel with which the priest dries his fingers at the Offertory. When in use, the credence-shelf or table should be covered with a clean white linen cloth.

Of the Sacred Vessels

The chalice should be made of gold, or of sterling silver, If made of silver, the interior of the cup should be gilded. If need so require, the cup alone may be made of silver, gilded within, and the lower parts of the chalice may be made of base metal. The chalice should be not less than