Page:Luckidad's garland, or, When my old hat was new (1).pdf/8

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But now the times are changed much,
and what more can we ſay,
O what great alterations,
been in mine aged day?
But let them alter as they will,
I ſpeak but what is true,
The world is turned upſide down,
ſince my old hat was new.


CRuel Strephon, eaſe my anguiſh,
ceaſe to wound a heart you've won,
Think for you alone I languiſh,
and by you alone undone.

Perjur'd ſwain no longer leave me,
nor forget the oaths you've ſwore,
But return you may believe me,
I will ne'er reproach you more.

Cupid, God of ſoft perſuaſion,
bear my grief and eaſe my pain,
Seek ſome pleaſing bleſt occaſion,
to recal the perjur'd ſwain:

But if he at length refuſes,
and relentleſs flies your power,
Soon the traitor Delia loſes,
and ſhall never ſee her more.

F I N I S.