Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/132

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favor and support the said Charles in whatever he may ask of you in our name not less than you would ourself. . . .


Lutheri opera latina varii argumenti, ed H. Schmidt. Erlangen, 1865, n. 448. Civitavecchia, October 24, 15 18.

Here this letter is dated January i, 1519, but according to Walch, XV. 106, the true date is October 24, and this is so probable that I have followed it Similar letters were sent to Degenhardt Pfeffinger and other powerful men, and to the Wittenberg Town Council.

Beloved Son, greeting and the apostolic blessing! Con- sidering the merits of the beloved and noble Frederic Elector of Saxony, and the favor which, following the custom of his famous ancestors, he has shown to us and the apostolic see, and which he may show in greater measure hereafter, we have decided, with much affection and paternal love, to send him the most sacred golden rose, annually consecrated with mysterious rites on the fourth Simday of Lent, and sent to some powerful Christian king or prince. We send it by our beloved son, Charles von Miltitz, our chamberlain and servant. We want you to know some things which concern the dig- nity and authority of us and of the aforesaid see.

For we know how much favor, and deservedly, you have with the said elector, and how highly he considers your wholesome and prudent counsel. Wherefore we exhort you in the Lord, and paternally charge you on your duty and devotion to us and to the said see, that you consider how great an honor and gift we are sending the said elector, and that you also consider how detestable is the overbearing bold- ness of that only son of Satan, Friar Martin Luther. Con- sider also that he savors of notorious heresy, and can blacken the name and fame of the great elector and his ancestors. Take counsel then with our nuncio Miltitz, and try to per- suade the said elector to consult our dignity and that of our see, and his own honor. Let him crush the rashness of the said Luther, for his erroneous doctrines, now, alas! widely sown among the credulous people, can only be extirpated by your aid and counsel. Your devotion to God, our Saviour, whose cause is now at stake, will be a special favor to us,

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