Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/16

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Carmelite, Prior at Augsburg (247a}.

Carlstadt, A, (20), 64, 66, 85, 123, 159, 172.

Carondelet, J. de (362).

Carvajal, B. (253).

Catharinus, A. (414).

Collarius, J. (150).

Charles V., Emperor, 255, 342, 361, 364, 368, 381, 412, 413. 426, 430,435.

443. 46s Chievrcs, W., 341, 357, 367. Chiregatto, F., 298.

Christian XL, King of Denmark (414), 460. Cistein, see Ende. Claude, Queen of France (447). Qeen, D. v (471). Clivanus, R., 338. Cochlaeus, J. (464), 474.

Cologne, Hermann v. Wied, Archbishop Elector of (23). Contarini, G., 459, 463, 466. Comaro, F., 456, 466. Cowper, G., 235. Cowper, T., 235. CraflFt, A. (259). Cranach, L. (414). Crautwald, V. (265). Creutzer, M. (414). Crotus Rubeanus, 186, 190, 251, 350. Croy, W. de. Archbishop of Toledo (383). Croy, W., see Chievres. Dandolo, M., 463. Demuth, N. (247). Diercx, V. (312), 314- Dolz, J. (254). Dolzig, J. V. (4). Doring, C (31). Dorp, M. (241). Draco, J. (281). Dressel, M., 17. Driedo, J. (312), 345. Diingersheim, J. (52), 201, 264. Diirer, A., 221. Ebner, J. (41). Eck, John, of Ingolstadt, 29, 61, 64, 66, 96, loi, no, 113, 129, 139, 160,

164. 16s, 195. 253, 401. Eck, John, of Trier (452). Egmond, N. (187). Egranus, J. S., 52, 124. Eichstadt, Gabriel, BishoP of (loi).

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