Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/182

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Method of Theology; I am sorry it came to an end so soon.* . . .

Melancthon and I have written to Erasmus,' Now I have told you all you wanted to know. The rever- end father Vicar Staupitz has forgotten me, for he writes nothing. . . .

In closing let me admonish you again about Hebrew, m the study of which let us assist the best youths, and those who are the best theologians and the ones who are most eager for sound learning. Farewell with your cross,* if Christ will. Brother Martin Luther, Augustinian.

P. S. — Especially remember me to our Jonas,* and tell him I like him. . . .



Most illustrious Prince, although I never happened to see or speak to your illustrious Highness face to face, which I count not the least of my misfortunes, yet moved by the report of all, who with one accord acclaim your splendid talents as worthy even of supreme rule* and moved by the praises of those who say that your mind is bent on promoting the cause of sound learning, and is especially propitious to me, I ventured to dedicate to you my edition of the Lives of the Caesars^ desiring and seeking nothing else from your

IC/. supra, no. 136. What Luther means \>j the last phrase is not certain, whether the book was soon out of print, or too short.

'Lather's letter, Enders, L 488, March 28. Smith, 200.

•For "cms" I read "cnw," see beginning of letter. Otherwise the sense would be, "^arewen, and may your leg get better."

AJodocns Koch (i493*i555)> "t Erfurt 1506. M. A. 1510, priest 1514 or 1515, LL. D. 1518. In 1519 he went to Lourain to see Erasmus. In April, 1521, he followed Luther from Erfurt to Worms, receiving there a call to teach at Wittenberg, where he spent the next twenty-one years, taking a prominent part in the Reformation. In 1543 he went to Halle. He was with Luther at Eisleben at Luther's death in February, 1546. After the Schmalkaldic war (1547), he was forced to leave Halle, and wandered around to rarious places. He was three times married. Letters published by G. Kawerau. Life in RealencychpddU. Always known as Justus Jonas.

•After the death of the Emperor Maximilian (January 12, 15 19), Frederic was a prominent candidate for the position.

•Erasmus dedicated his edition of the Historiae Augustae Script ores to the Elector Frederic and Duke George of Saxony. It was first printed by Froben in


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