Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/329

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part is condemned as heretical. After long debates it has been decreed by the cardinals to declare Martin a heretic, and a bull is in preparation on that subject, of which I wiD send a copy.



Enders, ii. 404. Wittenberg, May 30, 152a

Bunau later became pastor at Camitz, where we find him married in 1535. In this same year he was obliged to leave on this account, went to Silesia and became pastor at Hayn, where he died in I5|i

Greeting. Dear Sir, I also knew that Thomas Munzer* could not be moved from his purpose ; yet I am glad that all have become attentive to the work of g^ace. I will take counsel with my friends and endeavor to procure chaplains for your Excellency. In the meantime let constancy be like itself, that is, constant in the Lord. It is nothing new if the world is now perturbed on account of the Word of God. Herod and the whole of Jerusalem were disturbed only to hear of Christ's birth ;^ why shall the earth not be moved and the sun darkened when they hear of Christ's death?' Truly to me it is a sign that our doctrine is sound, that many and g^eat and wise men are offended at it. For thus says Psalm Ixxvii.* "It slew the fattest of them, and smote down the chosen men of Israel." And, again : "He is set for the falling and rising up of many"' not among the Gentiles, but "in Israel," and among the elect. God always chooses the foolish and weak things of the world, and those things which are naught*, and it is written that the conversation of

^Munzer (i49o-May 27^ iS^S). matriculated 1506 at Leipstc, 1512 at Frankfort an der Oder, in 15 13 went to Halle. Later he became professor at Ldpac> where he probably met Luther at the time of the debate, 1519. Eariy io I5^ he went to Zwickau to take the place of Egranus, and here began an energet*' reform, far more radical than Luther's, which he believed should be csrric' through by force. Expelled by the authorities in April, 1521, he west to Bohemia, and in 1523 to Alstedt, where he again preached insurrection. After * sharp controversy with Luther he was again expelled, 1 524, and went to Muhlhsitfefi> He became a leader in the Peasants* War, was captured at Frankenhausen, MsT IS> 1525, and after being forced to recant, executed. Rtaltncychpadig,

'Matthew, ii. 3.

'Matthew, xxvii. 52; Luke, xxiii. 45.

^Psalm Ixxviii. 31.

SLuke, ii. 34.

61 Corinthians, ii. 27,

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