Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/333

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as they cannot be overthrown by you, with Christ's aid I will not suffer you to do it. Farewell and pray, not only that wc may have the right opinions, but that we may live and be saved.

265. LUTHER TO JOHN HESS AT BRESLAU. Enders, ii. 411. (Wittenberg), June 7, 152a

Greeting. Although you salute me alone, dear Hess, I will return more than you send, but briefly as my business re- quires. Crotus wrote from Bamberg both to you and to mc* I wonder why his letter to you did not come. I think I would have kept it fairly and faithfully, although he wrote me to tear it up if you were not here. My letters went to Italy just as he was leaving it, and he did not know I had written him.

Eck is enjoying his wished-for glory in Rome. Presented to the Pope by the Cardinal of the Four Crowns* he kissed the blessed feet. Then, to the astonishment of all, the Pope, sitting in public view on the throne of his majesty, kissed him. Let them lick, lap, spit on and bite each other thus!* My correspondent writes: "Luther has propitious gods at Rome, but no propitious men." What do you think will come of this? Perhaps the sky will fall and many pots will col- lide. Sylvester Prierias has vomited up something more,* and that so blasphemous that it almost kills me just to read it We will publish the infernal pamphlet with notes by Luther. Meantime, do what you do, and greet Michael' and Craut- wald* and all my friends. I wish the most reverend bishop' the grace of Christ. Farewell in Christ.

Martin Luther, Augustinian.

266. LUTHER TO SPALATIN. Enders, ii. 413. Wittenberg (before June 8), i>

Greeting. I send letters from Nuremberg, dear Spalati^^

'C/. supra, no. 251.

'Lorenzo Pucci.

'I have slightly changed the punctuation of this to make better senae.

  • Epitoma responsionis ad LutherMtn, published by Luther in June, isao.

vi. 325.

AWittiger, a canon at Breslau.

^Valentine Crautwald, an old friend of Hess and Melanchthon, a Hebrew an Greek scholar, later a Schwenkfeldian, and as such, frequently mentioned wit hostility by Luther in 1525-6. Enders, ▼. 294f, 329, 343.

ijohn Ton Thurzo.

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