Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/35

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Enders, i 16. Wittenberg^ June 16, 1514.

In the early days of universities a degree meant no more than a license to teach, and for some centuries it was expected that a man should teach, for a time at any rate, at the institution where he had taken his degree, or had prepared for it. An oath to this effect was exacted at Paris until 1452 (H. Rashdall: Universities of Europe, i- 4550* The practice had fallen into disuse, but was appar- ently revived at Erfurt, which was extremely jealous of the sad- den growth of Wittenberg. When Luther left Erfurt for Witten- berg and took his doctorate there, his enemies at Erfurt represented it as a breach of oath. This is his answer. Cf. Kostlin-Kawerau, i. 135, and Hartmann Grisar: Luther (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1911), L 28ff. Harvard Theological Review, October, 1913.

Greeting in the Lord. Reverend Fathers, I have heard and read much evil spoken by some of you about us and especially about me, recently from the letter of Dr. John Nathin* as though writing for all of you, and I was so much moved by his trenchant lies and bitter, false provocations that I almost imi- tated the example of Dr. Paltz,' and poured out on him and the whole convent a vial of wrath and indignation. For which reason I sent two stupid letters to you (I know not whether they reached you) and would soon have sent a key to their meaning had not the mouth of the reviler been first stopped by the general chapter. Therefore I am obliged to consider many, or rather most of you excused. Wherefore I beg you, if any were offended or mentioned in my letters, to forgive it, and impute my action to the furious writings of Dr. Nathin. For my emotion though excessive had a just cause.

But now I hear worse : that he proclaims me perjured and infamous, I know not for what reason. Wherefore I pray if, as I fear, you are unable to stop his mouth, you at least pay

^Of Neukirchen, matriculated at Tubingen 1483, began lecturing on theology 1484, D. D. i486 at Tubingen or 1493 at Erfurt, or both. Taking the same degree (t. e., license to teach) at more than one university was and still is irregular in Germany; Nathin, therefore, was guilty of doing what be accused Luther of. He remained conservative, and when the cloister at Erfurt was dis- foWed in 1523, he seceded. Kolde: Augttstiner-Congregation, 137, 391.

sjohn Zenser (Jenser, Genser) von Paltz, Prior of Neustadt 1475, D. D. at Erfurt 1483, superintendent of the monks' studies at Erfurt 1493, 1503, 1505-6. He died March 13, 151 1> Kolde, op. cit, index and 174- 197; Realencychpidie, His writings enjoyed much reputation. Luther's reference to him here is obscure. He was a strong defender of indulgences.

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