Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/350

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the occasion of publishing something by which the vipers will be more irritated than ever.

If yoa are not successful, I will write nothing to the elector about Melanchthon*s salar}-. What I wrote formerly I did so that the man might have no reason for leaving us; but if nothing can come of it, the Lord's will be done. Finally I tried to get him to marry for the profit of the gospel, for I thought he would live longer in this state; but if nothing comes of this, let it pass. I fear he will not long survive his present manner of life. I try to do what I can for the Word ; perhaps I am tmworthy to accomplish anything. I also should prefer, if God willed, to be freed from teaching and preach- ing; I am almost disgusted to see how little fruit and grati- tude to God comes from it. Perhaps it is all my fault. Fare- well and pray for me. Martin Luther, Augustinian,

284. LUTHER TO SPALATIN. Enders, iL 459. Wittenberg, August 14, 152a

Greeting. We by no means believe that Eck is at Meissen ;* cither they arc again trying us with their fictions, or else the words sent to you were written at Rome. This can be inferred from the fact that he writes that he hopes the bull will be moderated, which could not be done at Meissen.

You formerly wrote several times for me to recall the parish priest of Lochau, and recommend him to the elector for another position. Now here is Francis Giinther of Nord- hausen,^ well fitted for the place, although he once seemed harsher to you than you ought easily to forget. If there is still doubt about the affair you can let me know. He is eloquent and powerful to speak the Word before the court, and altogether such a one as I would wish to have at Lochau

'Tbe trail Exsurge Domine was signed by Leo on June 15 and entrusted to Eck to post in Germany. This was done first at Meissen on September 21.

  • Smpra, no. 39. On January 31, 1520 (Enders, ii. 307), Luther had sent a

certain James Gropp to fill :he place. He is not the same as the Gropp (whose tkoucrh they are confounded by Seidemann in his index. De Wette-Seidemann, ^. 665. Gunther matriculated at Wittenberg 151 5, later became parish priest at Juterbogk, in which place the Franciscans prosecuted him for Lutheranism. He obtained the living of Lochau on Luther's recommendation and died there 1528. Enders, ii. 36, 162.

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