Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/413

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should have been stirred up, now I think it ought to be quieted again- The Lamb^ is able to make all things new. We can easily stir things up, but it does not seem within our power to settle them again, but to do that we must humbly strive for Christ's divine aid. He sees what we hardly think of. I frankly confess to you, dearest brother, that daily I more and more doubt about this business, nor do I mean this ill. For practical life easily teaches us how small an impulse can turn the people either to good or to evil. I do not say that we should cease doing Christ's work, but that we should par- don much to the coarse people. As you say, some things are necessary to a Christian, and there are some things expressly overlooked which will be readily understood from the former. You have recent experience of this yourself, as one armed in a holy war to fight daily for your positions with enemies. .Consider our weakness, that we need milk rather than strong meat;* do not extinguish the devotion of the people by ask- ing too much of them, and preach the Word of Christ not from strife, but from charity.* All this foolish letter, is, as you know, from Capito who desires the best for Luther, and who wishes for peace and who is striving with all his might for concord. I doubt not that you desire the same, but that hitherto your adversaries have thwarted you. Their end shall be death* whether they were born of contention or whether they were begotten by guile, sycophancy and imposture. Wc must pray for peace in our time through Jesus Christ. Fare- well in him. Christian soul, dear to my heart.

Y<^^^^' Capito.

��350. CROTUS RUBEANUS TO LUTHER. Enders, iii. 8. Erfurt, December 5, 152a

Hearty greeting. I have not time to write much, nor have you leisure to read long letters, especially idle ones. It is enough for me to send a friendly salutation to our Martin, the evangelist given by God's mercy at this time, although so hated by little saints and chaste theologians that they would

iReveUtion, xxi. 5. >i CorinthUns, tii. ».

Kf. Philtppians, i. i6f. «C/. PhUippUiu, ui. 19.

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