Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/457

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Pomerania, who also heard my sermon at the parish church to-day.

A learned youth from Bohemia has sent me his book/ try- ing to prove that St. Peter was never at Rome. He advances eighteen conjectural reasons for his tliesis, but does not prove it. They have also sent my Sermons on the Ten Command- ments and on the Lord's Prayer translated into Bohemian and printed in their type; they are strongly preaching the Word among their people. . . .

392. MELANCHTHON TO GEORGE SPALATIN. Corpus Reformatorum, i. 281. Wfttenberg, February 3, 1521.

Hail, sweetest Spalatin. May Almighty God preserve our elector, the Nestor of the Empire. Day before yesterday I received your letter in which, except the death of the Cardinal of Croy, you announced no news. It seems almost a mirade that such furious enemies can keep quiet, but we doubt not that they are doing all they can in secret. Is there (wy hope in Charlesf* We doubt not that he will confer with our most illustrious elector about the cause of Martin. Emser here is publishing an oration against Martin in German, which, even if posterity admires it, yet is so impious and inept that our women and boys could write better.* O, unexampled insanity of the man to dare to contend with our Hercules, a man full of the divine spirit, not considering what even the impious king of Egypt saw, that what Martin does is done by the finger of God. . . .


Kalkoff: Brief e, 34. Worms, February (6 and) 7, 1521.

Raphael de' Medici, Chamberlain of Leo X., was nuncio to Charles V 1 5 16-7, and from August, 1519, to April, 1521. He died 1523.

. . . Recently, in Saxony, when a priest held forth on Luther, the latter's followers made as if to stone him, as happened to St. Stephen. Then they went to the dwelling of

l/n hoc lihello . . . probatur Apostolum Petrum Roman non venisse, NoTeni* ber 25, 1520, by Ulrich Velenus. Answered by John Fisher and others.


^IVider das unchristliche buck Martini Luthers Augustintrs, an den Teutschen Adel aussgangen Verlegung Hieronymi Emser. Leipsic, January 20, xsax.

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