Page:Lyra Davidica.djvu/28

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The Resurrection.

<< \new Staff \relative d' { \time 4/4 \key d \major %although there are three ♯ in the key signature, two are an octave apart
  \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature \stemUp
  d8 fis a d, g b a4 | fis16[( g]) a[( d,]) fis8. g16 e4 d |
  g8 a b a g16([ a)] fis[( g]) e4 |
  fis16[( g]) a[( d,]) fis8. g16 e4 d |
  \stemDown cis'8 d e16[( d]) cis[( b]) cis[( d]) e8 fis4 |
  cis16[( d]) e([ \stemUp a,)] \stemNeutral cis8. d16 b4 a |
  a16[( b]) cis8 d8. fis,16 g[( a]) b[( g]) a4 |
  fis16[( g)] a[( d,)] fis8. g16 e4 d \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { Je -- sus Christ is Risen to day Hal -- le -- Hal -- le -- lu -- iah Our tri -- um -- phant Ho -- ly -- day Hal -- le -- Hal -- le -- lu -- iah Who so late -- ly on the Cross Hal -- le -- Hal -- le -- lu -- iah Suf -- fer'd to re -- deem our loss Hal -- le -- Hal -- le -- lu -- iah. }
\new Staff \relative d { \clef bass \key d \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  d8 d fis a b g fis4 | d8 d b g a4 d |
  b8 a g fis e d a'4 | d8 d b g a4 d |
  a'8 a gis gis a16[( b]) a[( gis]) fis4 | a8 a fis d e4 a, |
  a'8 g fis8. fis16 e8 e d4 | d8 d b g a4 d } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

Jesus Christ is Risen to day Halle-Halleluiah
Our triumphant Holyday Halle-Halleluiah
Who so lately on the Cross Halle-Halleluiah
Suffer'd to redeem our loss Halle Halleluiah.

FH Sculpsit