Page:Lyra Davidica.djvu/31

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St.' Bernard's Jubile, &c.

St. Bernard's Jubile on the Name Iesus.
Jesu dulcis Memoria

<< \new Staff \relative f' { \time 3/4 \key f \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up
  \partial 4 f4 | a2 bes4 | c2 c4 | bes2 a4 | g2 c4 | d2 e4 | f2 e4 | d2 d4 | c2 \bar "|"
  c4 | a (bes) c | d2 c4 | bes2 bes4 | a2 g4 | a2 bes4 | c2 f,8 (g) | a2 g8 (f) | f2 \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Je -- sus my Mem -- ory's sweet em -- ploy E'en di -- stant gives my heart true joy, Not ho -- ney nor all Earth's de -- light Re -- gale like his o -- bli -- ging sight. }
\new Staff \relative f { \clef bass \key f \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  \partial 4 f4 | f,2 g4 | a2 a4 | g2 f4 | c'2 c'4 | bes2 c4 | a bes c | f,2 g4 | c,2 \bar "|"
  e4 | f2 a,4 | bes2 a4 | g2 c4 | f2 e4 | f e d | c2 d4 | bes2 c4 | f2 \bar "||" } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

Jesus my Memory's sweet employ
E'en distant gives my heart true joy,
Not honey nor all Earth's delight
Regale like his obliging sight.


THere's Nothing can be sung, more sweet;
Nothing the Ears more pleasant greet;
Nothing be sweeter thought upon,
Than Jesus, God's beloved Son.


Jesus, the Penitents Good Hope;
Jesus, the Suppliant's Aim and Scope;
To those that do but seek, how kind?
But what, O what to those that find!


Jesus, of Hearts the sweet Delight;

The Fountain of their Life and Light.
