Page:Lyra Davidica.djvu/35

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The Song of the Three Chilldren.


Ye Orders bright of Heavenly Powers,
Lift up the Everlasting Doors:
To the Triumphant Conqueror Sing,
Hail, Jesu, of all Kings the King.


Thee al th' Angelick Quires Proclaim;
And Shout in thy Imperial Name:
Who Reignsi Peace surpassing Sense;
And bids Loves Sabbath now Commence.


Jesus Ascends his Father's Throne,
The Godhead Love-Pavilion
And after him my Heart shall fly;
Christ live in Me and no more I.


O let us all Resound his Praise;
Our Cries and Vows incessant raise,
That he may us the Favour design,
In this blest Throne with him to Reign.

The Song of the 3 Children corrected.
<< \new Staff \relative c'' { \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \override Staff.TimeSignature.text = \markup {\musicglyph #"timesig.C44"}  \time 4/2 \key g \major \override = #'classical
  \partial 2 g2 | g2. a4 b2 a4 (g) | \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up b2 cis d1( | d2)  b  e4 d e2( |
  e2) b e d | e1 (e4) d c (b) | a2 (b4) c b2 g( | g1.) \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { O all ye works of God the Lord, bless ye \markup { \concat { y \super e } } Lord praise him and mag -- ni -- fy him for e -- ver. }
\new Staff \relative f { \clef bass \time 4/2 \key g \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical
  \partial 2 g2 | g2. fis4 g2 fis | e a d,1( | d2) g c,4 c c2( | 
  c2) g c b | a1 (a4) b c2 | d1 g,( | g1.) \bar "||" } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

O all ye works of God the Lord,
bless ye ye Lord
praise him and magnify him for ever.