Page:Lyra Davidica.djvu/40

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A Commemoration of God's Mercies.


AS the Eagles Wings expanding
Foster and Protect her Young;
So thy Arm all Power commanding,
Keeps me safe in Dangers Throng.
Ev'n at first when Life thou gave me
Mercy reach'd me in the Womb;
And till drop'd into my Tomb,
Kindly will Conduct and Save me:
All things to their Period hast;
God's Rich Mercies ever last.


His Dear Son's not so Beloved
But he gave him up for me,
That from Paths of Death removed
I to Life Restored might be.
O in depth Abyssal Fountain!
How shall my weak Spirit stretch,
Thy unmeasur'd Bounds to reach?
O for Height Eternal Mountain!
All things to.


His Good Spirit, Guide supernal,
Through his Word to me is given,
Me to lead from Things External
To the Pearly Gates of Heav'n
This sweet Dove with Splendor glorious
Fills my Heart, the Light of Faith,
Captivating Powers of Death.
Over World and Hell Victorious
All things to.


Intellectual Health abounding,
Health and Wealth provided are;
Or Corporeal Ills surrounding,
Still appcars his Pious Care.